Friday 12 April 2013

Inspired by Great British Sewing Bee

I've been enjoying the GBSB for the past two week and was especially sad to see Tilly go this week, I love her Mathilde Top and will have a go when I find the perfect material. I was also shocked to see Mark go after he was awarded Garment of the week last week.

The show has made me want to make some clothes for me. My sewing machine gave up on me a couple of weeks ago I could have got it mended but I think I would have cost more then what it was worth. When I started reading about needle threaders and automatic thread cutters I was off. I have spend some time researching and narrowed it down to either a Pfaff or Janome (Thanks to all those bloggers out there who have shared their reviews) I decided on

Janome TXL607- love it!!
So after watching this week's show I decided to have a go at a Colette Pattern - Sorbetto as seen on Lauren  here's my attempt over two nights after putting the boys to bed.

I enjoyed making it and having a speed button on my new machine means I can go slow and steady when I need to - I have rubbish foot control. So my seems are nearly straight!

A line skirt next......

Claire x

Monday 25 March 2013

A wedding in Iceland

So my little sister is getting married in Iceland at the end of the month.

It will only be her and her hubby to be, out in Iceland so she wanted friends and family to make part of her wedding bouquet so she could think of us while out there.

She saw this idea in Molly Makes

Mollie Makes  - Issue Three - Page 64
Beautiful bouquet of doorknobs from Molly Makes 

Issue Three

Being that we are from Lancashire and Hubby to be is from Yorkshire it's a real marriage of the Red and White Roses, without any of the wars! 

So heading up the Lancashire side I thought I would have a go at felt making a red rose corsage. 

I had picked up wool roving in red from the crafty little sheep when they were at a show at Exeter Westpoint. They also have a lovely website with ideas and all you will need to start needle felting.

I have also got myself  a Rose 3D mold to help get all the shapes just right. Only managed to stab myself once with the needle which is pretty good going for me. So you just pop in your roving and punch away. on a proper surface etc. 

I used a foam block from crafty little sheep. I think the needles look like something out of War of the Worlds, what do you think?
well a lot of shapes later and this is what I had.

I quite liked them the way the are and might make them into a mobile the next time a have a go, valentine's Day maybe. More punching and putting together and this is what I had. 

I put a brooch bar on the back and sewed a little pearl in the middle and it was all set to go up to Lancashire. 
I hope she likes it and it is there on her wedding day to remind her of me.

Good luck and best wishes to Caren and Ryan on their Wedding xx 

Friday 22 March 2013

Sewing Directory Meet Up

Last weekend I had an afternoon out sewing. It was great sewing and meeting new people. I met some lovely people who I hope I will keep in touch with. It's given me new inspiration about sewing and blogging for the future.

I found out about the sewing directory meet up in December and I can't believe March came around so quickly. Kerry from VeryKerryBerry was instructing on English Paper Piecing - something I had never tried. Kerry brought her Sizzix Big Shot for making the hexies and for us to have a go on. I have to say it does make quick work of making your shapes and of course they all come out the same size easy to match up.

So after a demo on the big shot and a little bag of hexies off we went. the afternoon flew by and I was really pleased with my results, just don't look too close at my stitches.  

Looking around the room everyone had such great sewing kits. It's given me some great ideas of some makes I would like to do.

It was great to meet Fiona from The Sewing Directory and also Kath from SewLaLa who was selling some lovely fabric
I had to stock up on some fat quarters and other goodies.

Now got to decide what to make.

Well it was good to meet other makers in the area and hopefully this won't be the last time. I've discovered some new bloggers and have a new bug for patchwork and sewing by hand. watch this space.

Thanks to Fiona and Kerry for great afternoon xx

Thursday 11 October 2012

My First Dress

Since I recently got out my sewing machine I have been wanting to make some clothes for myself as well as the boys. For my birthday I bought this beautiful material that I am determined to make into a skirt but I still haven't found the time yet

However I have been slowly working on a spotty affair and I am so close I thought I would start this post as I'm sure I will finish it soon. 

While sewing though I have discovered my favourite pins of the moment. I have to admit I like to get results quickly so tacking rarely happens. Fabric goes straight onto the sewing machine, so to finally buy and use this flower headed pins which I see on so many blogs was brilliant. They really work and my machine will sew and keep on sewing I'm so happy, small things. 

Right well I have now finally finished dress it is a Anna Maria Horner Socialite Dress

I saw it on a local website Saints and Pinners and thought I could do that.
I bought Kaffe Fassett blue dots which is lovely.

On and off this dress have taken me most of the summer to make, taking a break to make a cushion for Rita and Tate's PE bag. 

It has been sitting by the sewing machine half finished so last weekend was the time to finish 
I did find the yoke quite a challenge, and found some great help here on Sew, Mama, Sew! But it was my first attempt at making a dress and I am pleased with the results.

Didn't quite go as it should but it works, lining up is very important will remember next time. 

when I'm feeling braver I take a picci of me wearing it. 
It does look good and I have worn it to work, just wanted to tell everyone, 'I made this' hopefully I didn't bore too many people.

What to do next.......x 

Monday 8 October 2012

PE kit bag

Tate needed a PE kit bag to start school back at the beginning of September, it took me until last weekend to make it, slacking a bit I feel.
I went to a show at Exeter last weekend and found the perfect fabric for the job

However I couldn't help buying some more for future projects 

I have my eye on a Colette pattern for this 

Finally picked up some jersey to make pants for the boys

Just because 

So I hunted around for a suitable tutorial and found a great one at Kitschy Coo, which looked great and was straightforward to follow, to have a look click here

Last Saturday night we decided to have a non TV night and I got on the machine. I'm really pleased with how it came out and Tate loves it. However it has yet to make it into school as he wants to take it everywhere to put in his toys. So old drawstring bag is still in school and Dino bag is full of Octonauts.
Oh well might have to make another one soon x

No PE kit for my bag 

Sunday 7 October 2012

Pot holders

My pot holders have become a little worse for wear
So as I live miles away from Ikea where these came from, and hubby would not relish a visit with the boys I thought I would have a go at making some.
Tracking down some smart fabric was easy from 'Prints to Polka Dots' I tend to keep fabric I fancy in my wish list for when I feel like a spend. Next I got hold of some Heat Resistant Insulating Wadding from Ebay and away you go.  
As you can see it had to be spots
I knew I would have to make some bias binding which was a bit daunting but after reading Dana's' Made' blog, I love what she does I wish I could be half as creative. I thought right let's have a go. Dana's how to and everything you need to know about bias binding is here It took a bit of mastering but actually I found making it was easier than using the stuff. 

finding the bias to cut on

The cut strips 

Off we go

Once I had my binding made up it was pretty straightforward. I used my old holders as a pattern, measured and cut out the fabric and wadding ready to sew. 

Pinning on the binding came next which I did find a bit tricky

I did find that the first time a sewed around I didn't catch both sides of the binding very well so I had to go round again, taught me to take my time a bit. I tend to find I'm working to a nap deadline which can make me cut corners. Must try to calm it down. 

Well new pot holder are up and ready to go and despite my little mishap I'm pretty proud of them and I do have loads of my own binding, not what to do next x

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Playdate cupcakes

This week Tate had a friend round to play and we were having blinds fitted. So how could I keep two young children busy and away from the man who came to fit the blinds?

My theory was let's decorate cupcakes, so I very quietly made up a dozen. While Tate and I take it in turns to mix I did worry that we would end up with more on the floor with two little ones.

very simple mix
100grams of caster
100grams of margarine
100grams of self-raising flour
2 medium eggs
1/2 tablespoon of vanilla essence

cream the sugar and margarine until light and fluffy, I  use my electric whisk
Add one egg then a little flour then another egg and vanilla essence with the rest of the flour until nicely mixed.

spoon the mixture into cupcake cases and cook for about 25-30 minutes.
(don't forget to lick the bowl, unless you cannot eat the raw ingredients)

I bought some icing in tubes which I let the boys go mad with .....

The finished results ready to go home 

Blinds successfully fitted without any mummy meltdowns and I got a couple of cupcakes thrown in

Thanks for reading x